
Home Studio: the modular solution to work or study from the comfort of your home

  • Tecno Fast developed this 5.81 square meter capsule that you can buy or rent and that takes just 4 hours to install in your patio. In addition to being an office, the space serves as an art workshop, yoga room or study.

One of the great trends that has been consolidated in the last two years as a result of the pandemic is remote work, since movement restrictions forced many workers to carry out their work in their respective homes. While some had to use the dining room table, others chose to reconvert a piece and reorganize it with a desk and a comfortable chair.

Now, those who have space in their gardens can opt for a new alternative. It is about Home Studio, a modular construction of 5.81 square meters and that can be installed in just 4 hours.

How can this space be installed?

This solution developed by Tecno Fast can be rented from one month at a cost of $180,000 + VAT. You only need to have a level and compacted ground.

Tecno Fast also offers the purchase option under two modalities. The first is the sale of the modular structure and ready to be used, where the module is shipped fully assembled from the Tecno Fast robotic factory. It has a value of $2,990,000 + VAT + transfer (freight within Santiago costs $95,000). This option can be installed the same day it is purchased.

On the other hand, there is the sale of the Home Studio kit, where the panels are shipped unassembled to be built on the ground. It has a cost of $2,400,000 + VAT + transfer. The client can save the transfer by going directly to the factory in Lampa. To remove the panels, a three-quarters open truck is needed and, if required, the assembly service is offered for $600,000. Esta opción demora 48 horas en estar lista.

The modules have cladding with thermal insulation, thermopane windows and air conditioning/heating can be included for an additional value of $270,000 + VAT.

“These modules adapt to any type of climate and environment; they have a lower environmental impact, since they are made of wood that comes from certified forests; and they can be dispatched to any part of Chile”, concludes the executive.

Do you need a space to telework, for your children to study or for that craft workshop that you like so much? We invite you to quote your Home Studio here.


Resistencia sísmica estructural

Casa Modular Assadi y Tiny Cabin están fabricados en base a una jaula de acero estructural, que le proporciona resistencia y ductilidad necesaria para resistir los esfuerzos sísmicos según los requerimientos de la normativa vigente. Los paneles de muro, piso y techo, que proporcionan un mayor confort de habitabilidad, serán diseñados para resistir las cargas normales de uso, viento y nieve, según las respectivas normativas vigentes.
Tienen un peso propio aproximado de 200 kg/m2, valor ampliamente inferior comparado a una vivienda tradicional de hormigón armado o albañilería de 1000 a 1500 kg/m2. Por lo tanto, las solicitaciones sísmicas, que son proporcionales al peso de la edificación, se ven reducidas en hasta 5 veces.
Las estructuras resistentes han sido diseñadas para una Zona Sísmica 3 conforme a la NCh433 vigente y el Decreto Supremo N°61, correspondiente a la zona más exigente para el diseño sísmico de edificaciones.


Casa Modular Prefabricada Asaddi y Tiny Cabin se tiene retardamiento de fuego F30, cumpliendo con la Ordenanza General de Urbanismo y Construcción.


Casa Modular Assadi y Tiny Cabin todas nuestras maderas son impregnadas y utilizamos OSB con antitermitas.

Smartpanel tiene un inhibidor metabólico que afecta termitas y hongos sin ningún efecto para el ser humano.

Las casas prefabricadas de Tecno Fast garantizan una duración mayor durante años.

Aislación térmica sobredimensionada

Casa Modular Assadi y Tiny Cabin las soluciones modulares ofrecidas por Tecno Fast Home garantizan que los materiales y sistemas constructivos usados en complejos de techumbres, muros perimetrales y pisos inferiores ventilados, cumplen con zonificación térmica Zona 6 y 7, que son la condiciones más severas de emplazamiento geográfico para soluciones habitacionales que define la Ordenanza General de Urbanismo y Construcciones.

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